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Friday, July 31, 2009
Thỏa thuận giữa Microsoft và Yahoo có lợi cho cả hai
Giới thiệu tổng quan Windows 7 RTM bằng Video - Cnet
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Search engine market share around the world updated Aug 2009
Unlike other updates, this time i will only include data for Asiapac including Japan (APJ)
1. Search engine rankings in Japan
According to comScore, Yahoo! attracted more than half of all searches conducted in Japan in Jan 2009 with the highest frequency of searches/searcher as well.
- Yahoo: 51.3% share
- Google: 38.2 % share
- Rakuten: 2.2% share
- Yahoo attracted: 3,489 billion searches in Jan 2009 (up 13% from Jan 2008)
- Google attracted: 2,596 billion searches in the same period (up only 5% from Jan 2008)
However, since Yahoo has around 100 million internet users (<= a huge market), you can select either Google/Yahoo if the budget doesn't allow for both.
2. Search engine rankings in Korea
The situation in Korea is completely different. Google and Yahoo are NOT the top 2 search engines. It's NHN corporation (naver.com) and Daum The data is taken from comScore press release Jun 2009 "NHN Corporation is Most Visited Web Property and Host to the Most Searches in South Korea"
- NHN Corporation (Naver): 61.9%
- Daum: 19.7%
- Google sites: 7.3%
- Yahoo sites: 4.1%
As you can see from the picture above, Overtures ads are on top of PPC ads directly from Naver.
There can be up to 5 ads from Overture on top so the percentage of clicks going to those ads by Overture is the majority
3. Search engine rankings in China
I haven't come across an public authority, 3rd party source that verifies the exact market share per centage of each search engine.
Baidu claims that they have 73.2%, while Google China has 20.8% only.
China IntelliConsulting Coporation and Analysys International reported that Google should have around 22% of the search market share while Baidu commands 63.4% to 65.8%.
No matter what the exact share percentage is it doesn't affect the way we plan a paid search campaign much. We still need to do proposal for both search engines (Google and Baidu) and trying to understand what the potential return can be.
If you have limited budget then again choosing 1 search engine instead of working on both may be a wise choice.
If you are adventurous, you can give other search engines a try like sogou for example. It has decent amount of traffic for some of the clients that i am working with.
4. Search engine share in India
The latest data that i have is still Jun 2008 with Google leads the way (81.4% share)
Data is from comScore.
5. Search engine ranking in Australia
The fight between Google and Yahoo was over quite sometime ago with Google has more than 90% of the market share in Australia according to Hitwise.
6. Search engine ranking in Singapore
Singapore has seen the rapid growth of Google in terms of market share and the steady decline from Yahoo
I started reporting on Singapore search engine market share sometime back based on Hitwise data. Below is the stats over time
Yahoo market share reduced a whopping 42% from (35.01% in Jul 2007 to 20.06% in Jul 2009)
The combined strength of both search engine, however, remains relatively constant over the past two years. They have around 94% of the market share.
7. Search engine ranking in Hong Kong
Yahoo is the number 1 portal in Hong Kong, there is little doubt about it.
However, when it comes to actual percentage of market share between Google and Yahoo, things start to get murky abit.
So far from what i have seen Yahoo is the leading search engine in Hong Kong. Most of generic searches traffic go to Yahoo.
However, Google claims that from Hitwise data in Feb 2009, Google is the number 1 search engine in Hong Kong with around 50% reach on Pageview. Yahoo is trailing behind with around 20% reach on Pageview.
Note: from Hitwise report, Google search total = google.com.hk + google.com
Yahoo search total = search.hk.yahoo.com + search.yahoo.com
Normal metric like percentage of searches that each search engine receives per month has not been publicly reported/verified so we can't say with high degree of certainty which search engine is more popular.
To be on the safe side, when you play your paid search campaign remember to consider (not include) both search engines.
ok that's about it for now... i will go and enjoy the weekend!
Xem đầy đủ bài viết tại http://www.chandlernguyen.com/2009/08/search-engine-market-share-around-world.html
Theo dõi tin từ các sản phẩm Google trên Twitter
Hiện nay Google đã có một số tài khoản chính thức cho từng dịch vụ của mình trên Twitter. Bây giờ chúng ta có thể theo dõi tin tức từ họ một cách nhanh nhất có thể. Danh sách các dịch vụ đã có tài khoản trên Twitter:
@youtube - Youtube
@googledata - Google Data Api
@googleio - Google I/O
@googlewebmaster - Google Webmastercentral Blog
@app_engine - Google App Engine
@adwordshelper - Google Adwords
@sketchup - Google Sketchup
@googleatwork - Google Enterprise
@blogger - Blogger
@googlereader - Google Reader
@googleapps - Google Apps
@googleprofiles - Google Profiles
@adsense - Google AdSense
@3dwh - Google 3D Warehouse
@googledownunder - Google Australia and NZ
@googlestudents - Google Students
@igoogle - iGoogle
@googlemaps - Google Maps
@googletalks - Google Youtube Channel
@googlenews - Google News
@googleresearch - Google Research
Nếu thích bạn có thể theo dõi tin từ một số nhân viên của Google như: Matt Cutts, Chris Dibona, Jeff Huber và David Fischer.
Bạn có thể xem danh sách đầy đủ chi tiết tại đây.
* Nếu thích bạn có thể theo dõi Nguyễn Hùng - 1 người hâm mộ.
Xem đầy đủ bài viết tại http://toiyeugoogle.blogspot.com/2009/08/theo-doi-tin-tu-cac-san-pham-google.html
Is the Yahoo! Search deal favorable for Microsoft?
Two immediate questions came to my mind when seeing the Microsoft - Yahoo! Search deal: “Now that Microsoft has got Bing, what else do they want from Yahoo! Search?” and “Is this a favorable deal for Microsoft at all when they still allow Yahoo! to sell ads on it?”
And so I come with a scenario: Microsoft is playing a different game, by looking more into the future.
1. To lower bargaining power of Facebook
Microsoft has 15% in Facebook, yes.
What next, Microsoft craves the data inside the great wall of Facebook. This won’t end well. Mark is definitely brilliant and ambitious, and Microsoft’s demand will face challenges.
By having data from Yahoo! Search under his arms, Steve Ballmer has more bargaining power against Facebook, and additionally Microsoft has a fall-back plan should the relationship with Mark go sour.
It’s a big deal, now that social media are devaluing search power greatly, directly hurting Google’s business.
2. When it comes to Microsoft technical expertise, ain’t no data the same
Bing’s data will be different from those of Google. While Google has vast amount of diversified data, Bing will have data about people’s consumption preference, the arguably most valuable set of all customer information on the internet. Why? Because Bing positions itself as a decision-engine for shoppers first and foremost.
Data from Yahoo! Search will also be different, thanks to some very nice verticals Yahoo! is currently having. With their superior technology, Microsoft surely knows what to do and how to mine the data.
So, I have put on an argument that answers the first question: apart from making Bing the second competitor overnight, Microsoft will have the data it wants and enhance its control on many battles.
3. To create a precedent
It’s simply as that: Microsoft has made a precedent in buying a Yahoo! asset and more importantly, tying Yahoo! with a ten-year contract. Now that Yahoo! is having some nice products and platforms such as BOSS. What’s bad for Yahoo! will be good and cheap for Microsoft.
4. To make it useful and clean at the end of the year and in a decade
Financially, not paying up-front will make Microsoft’s balance sheet very clean at the end of this year.
Strategically, luring Yahoo! into a long-term deal will only turn the tide to Microsoft’s side, who has the cash powerhouse to pursue a real war with any competitor.
So then I have answers the second question: this deal is sweet for the giant.
What do you think?
Xem đầy đủ bài viết tại http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TaiTran/~3/lt-_AsR4utk/is-the-yahoo-search-deal-favorable-for-microsoft.html
Những ảnh được chụp cận cảnh - Macro cực đẹp
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Happy birthday to my Super Lady
Actually, I wrote a note for her here.
But these words are not enough to say. So once again, I want to tell her that I love her so much, and I am proudly to be her man. Thanks for being my super lady, my son’s mom, and my life-time friend.
Happy birthday to you, my Anh Thu. :*
Xem đầy đủ bài viết tại http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ducban/~3/FjYetYisJCs/
Myspace Mail ra mắt bản Beta, tốt hơn so với Facebook Messaging
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Thursday, July 30, 2009
“Yahoo quá liều khi chuyển sang Bing”
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Firefox sẽ đạt 1 tỉ lượt download vào ngày hôm nay
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The Untold Story of SAIC, Network Solutions, and the Rise of the Web—Part 1 | Xconomy
The Untold Story of SAIC, Network Solutions, and the Rise of the Web—Part 1
Những ai từng nghe nói đến Network Solutions, một công ty nhỏ ở Herndon là công ty độc quyển quản lý đăng ký tên miền Internet đều cảm thấy nó rất bí ẩn. Làm sao nó có được sự độc quyền như vậy?
Xem đầy đủ bài viết tại http://www.nguoitapviet.info/2009/07/30/1580/
nnwbeta.com: NetNewsWire 3.2 beta
Phiên bản mới cho phép đồng bộ tin với dịch vụ đọc tin của Google GReader. Nếu bạn dùng Windows, sản phẩm Newsgator cũng vừa cung cấp tính năng này.
Xem đầy đủ bài viết tại http://www.nguoitapviet.info/2009/07/30/1578/
Phóng to ảnh trong Street View
Xem Bản đồ cỡ lớn hơn
Xem đầy đủ bài viết tại http://toiyeugoogle.blogspot.com/2009/07/phong-to-anh-trong-street-view.html
Collecta nâng cấp tính năng tìm kiếm hình ảnh và Video theo thời gian thực
Xem đầy đủ bài viết tại http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/danhbaweb20/~3/pyGKpquZF6o/
Google classic
Xem đầy đủ bài viết tại http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/GoogleHatesMe/~3/X4NwDXq9eh0/google-classic.html
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