Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I bet YOU want (more) shares of Facebook in your portfolio

I bet YOU want (more) shares of Facebook in your portfolio

Yes, you, and you, and you too. I mean all of you. No matter if you’re a Happy Farmer, or a Mafia, or an investor, or an online marketer, or an application developer, or a geek.

Here are why

1. Facebook IPO will be big, both financially and technically

This year when Facebook’s COO announced the company’s 5th consecutive profitable quarter, I shouted out that Facebook was preparing for IPO. I was wrong.

Mark is a deadly brilliant and ambitious folk: he wants neither to start earning big sums at 300 million users, nor to go IPO at $10b valuation. He aims at much more than that, well beyond some of our wildest imagination.

Technically, Facebook was going through an interim period by absorbing more contents to attract more users. Right after that move, Facebook is rolling out real-time search and Facebook Lite.

Strategically, it is possible that Facebook received the investment to have the cash to buy off Friendfeed. What’s more, Facebook is going on a proven Microsoftish strategy: sucking its enemy’s blood until the enemy dies dried.

Financially, don’t let it takes you that advertising is Facebook’s only revenue stream. They have multiple.

2. Facebook is changing people’s business, effective immediately

Facebook is not simply for entertainment. It is, in fact, changing the way we do business.

See here for details. And here for a simple case.

3. Facebook holds the key to the future of life on web

Think about it, Facebook has been building a great wall surrounding its massive user base. Now they’re having even more into their core competencies.

So what?

If you’re a Friendfeed lover, start loving Facebook.

I know, Friendfeed gives you the in-depth conversations and highly relevant information and all sophisticated social graph.

But. Can Friendfeed’s innovation make a revolution? No.

Scientific and technological breakthroughs need a business mind to commercialize the themselves to humanity. No other than Facebook gives better environment for all the experiments Friendfeed is leading.

Trust me, you would want to have Facebook in your social portfolio.

If you’re a Facebook lover, love it more.

Real-time search and Facebook Lite are but two very initial options offerred to you from Friendfeed team. With Gmail founder and Google Map founder in Friendfeed team, nothing is impossible.

And it’s natural if you find out Facebook is sucking up the share of time you spend online.

If you’re an application developer

Massive user base who are willing to share information and put pressure on their peers to keep up with them plus advanced technology. I would call it the holy grail for your development portfolio.

If you’re an investor

Now, let me lay things on the table for you.

One, look at 3 reasons I just gave above.

Two, if I am to name the most profitable and long-term investment sector, I would say “technology”. Think Google 2003 to 2008. Think Facebook next.

Three, investing in Facebook gives you access to the whole ecosystem rotating the service. All the technology, contents management and marketing companies, all the freelance IT workforce, all its user base.

Four, Facebook is one key to Microsoft.

And finally, being a Facebook user is costless. You get to see both sides of Facebook’s business.

Have all these convinced you that Facebook deserves a portion of your investment portfolio?

How about the other giants?

I disagree that Google should buy Twitter for $1b. Indeed, Twitter should offer itself to Google for $1.5b

Yup, when you’re scared, you should act.

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